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Technology & Riding

It used to be discouraged to have your phone on you while on the horses back, I used to strongly believe that, until one day riding alone I had a fall. Thankfully not a bad fall, but I sure was glad my phone was where it never normally was, in my jacket pocket that day. If it had had been a more serious fall it would have meant being able to call for help. Until then my phone used to stay in the barn until the ride was finished. Times have changed and now people carry their phones on them while in the saddle for several reasons. Maybe it’s to film their ride, track their workout, or to listen to...

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Finding Grace

It’s hard to believe where we are today, just over 12 months later, but she’s my lucky number 7, my Princess, and I wouldn’t change anything about her for the world..

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A Judges Perspective

Time is precious and classes are judged quickly, so that first impression you make can dictate if you walk away with a blue ribbon or not.

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